Dr. Asarch’s Column on Girls Gone Sporty- Fight Adult Acne - Page

  • Posted on: Jul 9 2012
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Header image credit: Ale Art, http://www.flickr.com/photos/amecoli/4242552487/sizes/l/in/photostream/As athletes, perspiration and tight fitting clothes, hats and equipment tend to come with the territory. Unfortunately the trapped perspiration and friction against the skin can lead to clogged pores, blemishes and acne on the face and body.

Acne is the most common skin disorder in the world, effecting both men and women of all races and ages, and it can often have a deep emotional and psychological effect on people. For most people acne clears up after adolescence, and many have no noticeable scars. For others, acne can last well into their 30s, 40s and beyond. Adult Acne can be treated successfully if two basic conditions are addressed.

  1. Prevent the oil gland openings from plugging up.
  2. Decrease the bacteria that live in the “plugs” that ultimately lead to inflammation.

recommendations from Dr. Asarch


Body acne can be more resistant to treatment than facial acne because it is more difficult to reach and to keep clean. Try to wear loose clothing when working out and pay special attention to the skin beneath clothing items that can increase the plugging of your oil glands and cause friction such as sports bras, sweatbands and hats. Cleanse your skin thoroughly after a workout and avoid body moisturizers that contain butters or oils which can further clog pores.  If you cannot shower right after a workout, try an on-the-go cleansing cloth to remove sweat and excess oil.


If you have skin that is combination to oily with a tendency towards mild breakouts, I suggest the following regimen of DERMAspaRx products. Begin with Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Facial Cleanser to deeply clean pores and minimize inflammation. Follow the cleanser with Oil Control Serum which balances skin hydration while fighting bacterial growth and inflammation. If additional moisture is needed, apply Oil Free Moisture Cream to increase skin hydration without the use of oils which aggravate problem skin. Finally, protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays with Oil Free Sun Protection System, a hydrating antioxidant broad spectrum protective system that is designed specifically for oily skin types.

…Read the rest of Dr. Asarch’s Article HERE. 


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