• Posted on: Jun 7 2015
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Volume loss in the upper cheeks and face can lead to skin sagging and contribute to an aging profile. Dermal fillers are often the suggested treatment for volume loss and the resulting wrinkles and sagging that follow.

At the Asarch Dermatology, we are pleased to offer innovative injectable treatments to reverse the signs of aging. JUVÉDERM and JUVÉDERM Voluma can provide you a subtle lift and improved contour for up to two years with optimal treatment.

Voluma can:

  • Restore volume to the cheek area
  • Firm skin for an improved profile
  • Subtly lift131718APPSeal_Diamond-1-600x571 sagging skin

Our Providers are specially trained VOLUMA injectors at the Allergen Diamond Level, placing them in the top 2% of all injectors in the country!

Our patients love Voluma because it looks and feels natural. However, as with any injectable, sometimes the treatments can cause unwanted bruising. Make sure to follow the instructions your doctor gives you and ask him or her any questions you have before the day of your procedure.

To help prevent bruising, follow the pre and post treatment tips below:

  • Some over the counter medicines and supplements can thin the blood making you more susceptible to bruising. A week before treatment, you should avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E, Multivitamins, Krill Oil, Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, Omega-3, Gingko, Ginseng, Garlic and Glucosamine.
  • If you need pain medication, Tylenol is fine to use.
  • Stop drinking alcohol 1-2 days prior to injections.
  • Avoid garlic 1-2 days before injections.
  • Following treatment, your doctor will recommend steps to prevent bruising and swelling.
  • After treatment, you may apply ice to the treated area. Continue applying for the first 8 hours.
  • For two days after, you should still avoid aspirin, NSAID’s (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, etc.), St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E (including multivitamins with Vitamin E), Krill Oil, Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, Omega-3, Gingko, Ginseng, Garlic and Glucosamine.
  • Avoid touching the treated area within 6 hours after treatment, and do not put undo pressure onto the treated area- such as lying down with your face touching a pillow or massage table.
  • Avoid excessive sun or heat until any initial swelling and redness have resolved.
  • Proper and frequent use of sunscreen is always important.  The sunscreen should offer broadband protection (UVA and UVB) and have a sun protection factor of SPF 30 or more.


Always follow your doctor’s directions before and after injectable treatments.







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