Treatment for Dry Chapped Hands - Page

If you are following the guidelines to prevent infection with the Corona Virus (and I certainly hope that you are) frequent washing will strip the natural oils from your skin.  Combine that with the very dry Colorado climate and your hands will become dry, chapped, and may develop small breaks and even bleed. 

You can prevent this by doing something very simple EVERY time after you wash and dry your hands.

After you dry, simply apply your favorite hand moisturizing cream.  My favorites are Cerave Hand Cream or my DermaSpa Intense Hand Therapy.  Just a small amount massaged mostly to fingertips and the tops of your hands and wrists will do wonders.

If you do continue to have problems or it becomes worse, you should call the office and schedule a telehealth visit.

Be safe and take care.

Dr. Richard Asarch

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