How can I eliminate my bad acne? - Page

At Asarch Dermatology, Laser and Mohs Surgery, patients can obtain quality care for a wide range of needs. One common complaint seen by many adults is that of acne. Acne is a condition that affects more than just teenagers—in fact, patients of all ages can develop acne. Not all acne is the same, which is why there are a wide range of solutions available at our practice to combat this condition.

What type of acne do I have?

To determine the best treatment, patients first need to get a proper diagnosis of the variety of acne they are dealing with. Some of the more common types of acne include:

• Comedones

• Blackheads

• Whiteheads

• Papules

• Pustules

• Nodules

• Cysts

• Nodulocystic

• Acne Conglobata

• Acne mechanica

All of these types of acne can be diagnosed with the help of our team, and we encourage patients to learn about their condition to decide on the best course of action for treatment.

Treatment of acne

First, patients will work with their doctor to determine if they have mild, moderate, or severe acne, and get a proper diagnosis of the type they are struggling to address. Then, treatment options can be discussed. There are various ways in which a patient can target unwanted acne. Some patients find relief with over-the-counter products, while others need something stronger such as a prescription-strength topical medication. Additionally, some patients may need to treat their acne from the inside out. Systemic therapies are beneficial for many, and can often be used in conjunction with topical therapies. Our practice may also employ techniques such as light-based therapies to reduce the severity of acne, including laser treatments that can kill bacteria that may be present on the skin.

Combat acne once and for all!

If you live in the areas of Holyoke, Castle Rock, Englewood, or Lakewood, Colorado and are interested in working with a professional to address your acne, now is the time to schedule an appointment. We can be reached at (303) 761-7797 and are available for new and current patients. Take the time to discuss your needs with our team, and get the results you deserve!

Posted in: Acne

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