Suffering With Acne? You May be Eligible for our Research Study. - Page

  • Posted on: Apr 21 2014
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Suffering with acne? Asarch Dermatology and Laser is looking for participants with moderate to severe acne to take part in our research study.

Participants should:

  • Be 12-40 years of age
  • Currently have 20 or more pimples on your face
  • Currently have 25 or more blackheads and/or whiteheads on your face

Qualified participants will receive study related exams, study related gel or placebo and financial compensation for time and travel. For more information, call Heather at Asarch Center at 303-625-7551.

Listen for information here: ASARCH CENTER 4 18 REV


The scourge of teens everywhere, excessive breakouts of acne cause stress, embarrassment and life-long scars. For most people acne clears up after adolescence, and many have no noticeable scars. For others, acne lasts well into their adult years, leaving both physical and emotional scars.  Acne treatment is one of the most common reasons patients see Dermatologists.

You need to deal with two basic conditions when treating acne.

  • First, you need an individualized program to prevent or minimize the major cause of acne – plugged oil-gland openings. Many medications effectively control this problem – e.g. Retinoids.
  • Second, you need to prevent the overgrowth of bacteria in the plugged oil glands. You can do this with antibacterial lotions, gels, creams or oral antibiotics.

Acleara Acne Clearing System has been a great addition in treating acne. A vacuum cleans pores by extracting build up of sebaceous material. A broad band light destroys acne causing bacteria and reduces oil production. Regular treatments have been very successful in controlling acne. Learn more about Acleara by watching Dr. Asarch’s video here.

In severe cases the use of a medication, Accutane, may be prescribed. This medication is a vitamin A derivative and works very well. However, it needs to be monitored closely because of occasional side effects. Pregnancy must be avoided while on the medication. Periodic blood tests and regular appointments are necessary during the 16-to-20 week treatment.

Depending on your skin type, the type of acne, and the number of inflamed lesions, different medications or combination of these medications can be prescribed. These medications will minimize the severity of acne and help prevent permanent marks or scarring.

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