Listen to the Interview That Could Save Your Life - Page

  • Posted on: Apr 26 2015
  • By:

Dr. Richard Asarch, who is board certified in dermatology and a fellow of the American College of Mohs Surgery with a full practice and medical spa in Denver, Colorado again joins eHealth Radio and the Cancer Prevention Channel.

Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Richard Asarch discuss the following:

  • What is Melanoma?
  • What causes Melanoma?
  • Can you explain Melanoma prevention and protection?
  • Why are patients in Colorado at a higher risk for developing Melanoma?
  • How is Melanoma detected & how is it diagnosed?
  • You have performed over 30,000 Mohs surgeries. How does Mohs work to treat Melanoma?
  • What are the top 3 pieces of advice you would give your patients about Melanoma and Skin Cancer?

On Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 the Melanoma Research Foundation will be honoring Dr. Asarch, with the MRF’s Humanitarian Award. The MRF presents the Humanitarian Award to those in the local community who have committed to fighting melanoma through exemp-lary patient care, cutting-edged research and scientific leadership.

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